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Gravenhorse Feeds

Maximising Your Horse's Health & Performance


Free Expert Nutritional Advice Available from Horseheath Equine Nutrition

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0344 8844850
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07807 479495
Est 1983



Equine Gut Conditioning Supplement.



    Blend of herbs with powerful soothing properties, (e.g Slippery Elm , Chamomile, & Licquorice root powders) nucleotide-rich pre-biotics, yeast, cooked linseed meal and natural vitamin E (1000 iu/kg).



    Encourages mucus production in the gut, to protect the wall against acid attack.



    Pre-biotics and yeast optimise the hind-gut microbial population, supporting those responsible for fibre fermentation & and improving overall digestion of nutrients and gut stability.



    Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients (including vitamin E and Omega-3 oil) to maintain healthy gut tissue.



    Nucleotides – essential for DNA and RNA so aids tissue growth and regeneration.


    Feeding Information.

    Mix thoroughly with existing hard feed – include long fibre e.g. unmolassed chaff with little or no grass or alfalfa.
    Moistening feed is recommended; ensure clean fresh water available ad-lib.
    Daily Usage: Horses 50 – 100gm; Ponies 25 – 50gm.
    Measuring: A 50ml scoop holds 22gm.
    A 950g pack is sufficient for a horse for 10 – 20 days.


      Greenstuff Bag Greenstufff Scoop  

    Pricing Information.

    Click here for the latest prices of this product. Then click the back button on your browser to return back to this page, or the "Home" button on the menu at the top of the page to return to the Gravenhorse Feeds Home Page.