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Horseheath Hoof Hardener™


Biotin / Methionine / Zinc Hoof Strengthening Supplement.
Improved Formula with added Seaweed meal NO UNNECESSARY FILLERS! Costs approx 32p per day.

Horseheath Hoof Hardener™ Biotin Content:- 675mg/kg - Comparible to Farrier's Formula® @ 118mg/kg.

As its name implies, this product will build and maintain strong healthy hooves. It should be fed in conjunction with some Hors-E-Vit” if your horse is not receiving any compound feed or balancer with normal mineral & vitamin supplementation.

Cracked Hoof
Hoof Hardener Hoof Hardener Scoop

Feeding Information.

Add to daily feed;
Ponies  –         15gm/day.
Horses  –         30gm/day.
Heavy Horse –   40gm/day.
A 25ml measure holds 30gm.
Ensure clean fresh water available ad-lib

Pricing Information.

Click here for the latest prices of this product. Then click the back button on your browser to return back to this page, or the "Home" button on the menu at the top of the page to return to the Gravenhorse Feeds Home Page.




Jane Skinner, Bishop's Stortford:


"I've always used Gravenhorse Hoof Hardener BMZ. Hmmm, what does BMZ stand for? Nothing more than Biotine, methionine and zinc. No fillers, no additives, just these three ingredients to improve the quality of your horse's hooves, mane and tail. My farrier is very pleased with the material he has to work on, thanks to Gravenhorse Hoof Hardener".


Author's note BMZ = Biotin, Methionine and Zinc. The current product also has seaweed meal added to increase the natural supply of a wide range of micronutrients.


Mandy Tinsley, Warboys:


"Charlie has been on the Horse-E-vit supplement and the Hoof Hardener supplements for several weeks now. The Farrier has just been and commented on how much his hooves have started to grow. The Farrier is extremely impressed as Charlies hooves have always been exceptionally slow-growing. It's only with the help of a different vet, my farrier and your help Charlie recovered. Huge thank you John".