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Gravenhorse Feeds

Maximising Your Horse's Health & Performance


Free Expert Nutritional Advice Available from Horseheath Equine Nutrition

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0344 8844850
07721 384508
07807 479495
Est 1983



As its name implies, this supplement is intended to provide relief for horses & ponies suffering from skin irritation not caused by parasites.


    Blend of herbs traditionally known to promote healthy skin.  
    Cooked linseed meal provides high level of Omega-3 oil which has a powerful soothing action.  

    Also gives shiny coat, and possibly alleviates the effects of insect bites. Brewers yeast provides nutritional support for skin.



    Anti-oxidants including Vitamin C, important for skin health. Contains a Biotin/methionine/zinc supplement, the nutritional building blocks for hair (besides hooves).


    Feeding Information.


    Daily Usage: Horses 60-90gm; Ponies: 30 – 50 gm Measuring: a 50ml level scoop holds 25 gm.

    Mix thoroughly with existing hard feed - include long fibre e.g molassed chaff, chopped alfalfa.

    Moistening feed is recommended; ensure clean fresh water available ad-lib.


      Itch-Ban Bag  

    Pricing Information.


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