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Gravenhorse Feeds

Maximising Your Horse's Health & Performance


Free Expert Nutritional Advice Available from Horseheath Equine Nutrition

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0344 8844850
07721 384508
07807 479495
Est 1983



    For horses and ponies prone to Laminitis and or with sensitive digestion, resting or in light to medium work, and requiring minimal starch and sugar.



    Cereal and molasses-free, simply add it to a scoop or two of long fibre feed, e.g. chopped Alfalfa, grass, hay or oat straw; low-sugar soaked beet-pulp optional.


    High protein/oil supplement/feed balancer, with brewers' and live yeast for hind-gut stability, plus essential minerals and vitamins.


    (Go to LamVit™ for horses & ponies in good condition).


    LamiBalancer™ scoop

    Lami-Balancer 20kg Bag lami-Balancer Tub


    Feeding Information.


    Feed rates will vary depending on horse size, condition, work load and forage and forage quality:

    Horses - 1kg - 5kg/day.

    Ponies - 200gm - 2kg/day.

    A regular 280ml coffee mug holds approximately 225g.

    Low-sugar soaked beet pulp optional for improved palatability (kind to equine gut).

    Mineral/vitamin supplements included at around maintenance requirement level - competition and breeding horses may require extra.

    Provide ad-lib clean fresh water.

    Not suitable for horses with renal problems (need a low-calcium diet).




    Cooked linseed meal, full fat soya meal (may contain GM), Yeasacc, mineral/Vitamin supplement, Dical, limestone, salt, magnesium  oxide, Natural Vitamin E-rrr, LiveYeast, Brewers yeast, mycocurb mould inhibitor, Premox anti-oxidant.


    Calculated analysis.


    Crude Protein 22%

    Oil 22.5% (Omega-3: 8.36 % Omega-6: 5.21%)

    Crude Fibre 4.4%

    Ash 22.7%

    Starch 5%

    Sugar Esc. 2.8%

    Vit A 35 kIU/kg

    VitD3: 3 kIU/kg

    Vit E (natural) 1142.86 IU/kg

    Copper 98.8mg/kg

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3x10E8CFU/g


    Pricing Information.


    Click here for the latest prices of this product. Then click the back button on your browser to return back to this page, or the "Home" button on the menu at the top of the page to return to the Gravenhorse Feeds Home Page.