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Gravenhorse Feeds

Maximising Your Horse's Health & Performance


Free Expert Nutritional Advice Available from Horseheath Equine Nutrition

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0344 8844850
07721 384508
07807 479495
Est 1983



Broad-Spectrum Mineral & Vitamin Balancer/Supplement with Live & Brewers Yeast & Mint for horses & ponies in good condition, prone to Laminitis, &/or with Sensitive Digestion. STARCH and SUGAR 8.8%. Helps maintain firm droppings.


(Go to LamiBalancer™ for horses & ponies requiring extra nutritional support with minimal starch & sugar).





Feeding Information.


With straight feeds:–
Heavy horse – weighing approximately 700 kg: 150 – 300 gm per day.
Average horse – weighing approximately 500 kg: 80 – 200 gm per day.
Pony – weighing approximately 350 kg: 40 – 100 gm per day.

Amounts required will vary in proportion to workload.
Mix thoroughly with un-molased long fibre with minimal starch and sugar content e.g. chopped oat straw.
Add a little un-molassed soaked low-sugar beet pulp if required for palatability.

Measuring – a 50 ml level scoop holds approx. 30 gm.
Ensure clean water is available.
Large batch mixing – add up to 3% of finished feed.
Ensure thorough mixing.




Ash % 3.1

Biotin mg/kg 12.5

Iodine mg/kg 20

Vit. A kIU/kg 600

Copper mg/kg 1500 (as copper sulphate)

Vit.D3 kIU/KG 55

Vit. E IU/kg 4000 (as rrr Natural ɑ-tocopherol)

Selenium mg/kg 15 (as sodium selenite)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1x10E10CFU/g


Calcium % 18

Selenium mg/kg as Selenium - Yeast 2

Phosphorus % 6

Magnesiun % 2

Sodium % 8.5

Iron mg/kg 5000

Zinc mg/kg 7500

Manganese mg/kg 500


Pricing Information.


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