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Gravenhorse Feeds

Maximising Your Horse's Health & Performance


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Est 1983

LinGold™ Mobility

Linseed based supplement for veteran health and vitality. Also contains Brewer’s Yeast, seaweed and ‘rosehip powder’.
    Rosehip and linseed oil have powerful soothing properties and help maintain supple joints.

    Linseed and Brewer’s Yeast are rich in essential amino-acids, and nucleotides for restoring and maintaining lost muscle. They also help optimise gut function. Brewer’s Yeast is rich in B-vitamins.


    Linseed oil gives slow-release energy and glossy coat.

    Very low starch – safe to feed to convalescents, veterans, and others sensitive to excessive soluble carbohydrates.



    Seaweed provides a useful range of minerals and vitamins, contributing to the health and well-being of your horse.



    Feed horses up to 500 gms/day; ponies, 250 gms. Do not feed to mares in last 4 months of pregnancy – has high iodine content.


    Lingold Mobility ScoopLinGold Mobility 20kg Bag

    Nutritional Analysis.


    Protein 22%

    Oil 28% (Omega 3 14%)

    Energy 17Mj/kg




    Pricing Information.


    Click here for the latest prices of this product. Then click the back button on your browser to return back to this page, or the "Home" button on the menu at the top of the page to return to the Gravenhorse Feeds Home Page.



    Golden Harvest Horse

    Golden Harvest, aka “Harvey” –  a 29 year old, 14.2 pony owned by Regan Whillet, ridden by Zoe Smith, jumping 135cm on his way to HOYS.

    His feed was alfalfa and Horseheath Competition Mix, BodyBuilda™ and LinGold Mobility™.

    From Peter Smith.

    "He was rather lean when we got him but has gradually filled out nicely."
    Harvey retired at the end of 2013 and sadly had to be put down on 23/11/14 R.I.P.

    Watch Harvey's video here.



    From Sue Sawyer, Pednor Equestrian.

    "Silly old mare is galloping round like a lunatic!"



    From Gareth and Kelly Roberts, Stags End E.C., Hemel Hempstead, placed 3rd Scurry Championship, HOYS 2017.

    "We also have a livery’s 35 year old ex-racehorse – TurmerGold and LinGold Mobility™ have transformed him – he now gallops round like a two year old."