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Horseheath Full-Fat Linseed


Full Fat Cooked Linseed Meal. Ready to feed – no messy boiling!


Available as either Extrusion-cooked or Micronised; both forms have similar nutritional properties.


There is considerable misinformation – “Fake News” in the popular press and on some websites. Linseed has been said to be Toxic and Harmful.
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  • Highly digestible, palatable brown meal; the extruded form is more finely ground.

  • Traditional product for restoring & maintaining Condition.

  • Maintains Healthy Skin & Shiny Coat.

  • High oil content provides slow-release energy.

  • Helps provide essential protein.

  • Contains mucilage which lines & protects the gut wall.

  • Soothing action of the Omega-3 content helps maintain mobility, etc.

  • Helps maintain veteran health.

  • Contains useful minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium etc, essential for metabolic processes. 


  • Protein 23% Oil 39 % (Omega-3: 22% Omega-6: 6%) Fibre 7%.

    Extrusion/Steam Cooked Linseed Meal.


    Steam Cooked Linseed Bag

    Micronised Cooked Linseed Meal.


    Micronised Cooked Linseed Meal Bag

    Pricing Information.


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